Megan wanted to wear her fancy dress from Auntie Al, but we convinced her she didn't have to have a princess party to do this - so we had a My Little Pony Party, with a request in the invitation to "Wear a Party Dress!" My general rule has been one invite per year of age, but I learned that social politics start early and not wanting to ostracize anyone, we sent out seven invites and all RSVP'd yes.
The party started calmly with some coloring. Then we moved on to pin the tail on the donkey (which is kind of like a pony, right?), where I awarded the prize to a girl who cheated because I didn't know the right way to deal with the incident involving somebody else's kid in a roomful of their peers - more of that 5 year old politics stuff!
The calm before the storm
Then the girls all got to decorate their own mini-cupcakes. This activity is a big hit, plus I didn't have to spend any time decorating a cake with horseshoes and pink unicorns and other Pony things.

Then on to the gifts, where all the girls fought over having Megan open their gift first. What is the deal with that, anyway?

At one point, I went up to the bathroom. I didn't really need to go, but it seemed like the best way to get away for a couple of minutes. The clock in my room said 4:15 as I left. I walked slowly back down the hall and the thermostat clock said 4:13. Oh, my God - time was literally moving backwards! But I made it through the last 15 minutes just fine and all the Moms were on time, which is good because if they had been late their kid would have been off the list for next year - politics be damned! ;)
Ok, yes, it was a lot of chaos, but it was fun, too especially because I don't get to be involved in a lot of these multi-kid events with my job. And Megan got some great gifts. In fact, I was inspired to get a haircut the next day, because I was a little embarrassed that Polly Pocket had a much cuter 'do than me.
Happy Birthday, Megita.
Your Un-stylish Mom