No, it wasn't costume day at school. Liam split open the top of his lip falling from the couch to the coffee table. Mac immediately started to panic saying we needed to take him to see a doctor. Ummm, HELLO! There's a frickin' doctor IN THE HOUSE! Oh, sure, I haven't always been
the best resource, but any idiot can treat a cut!
After convincing Mac that my boy would only be getting stitches for this micro-cut with a court order, I taped up Liam's lip nicely. This made Liam start howling all over again because he "hates tape" and he "really needed a Scooby-Do band aid." Fine, but what does it take to get a little respect around here, huh? So against medical advice, our little runt went to school like this on Monday:

All of the pre-K chicks swoon for a toddler with a mustache!