Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Accidents Happen

Yesterday, Liam came home from school in a foreign outfit.

"Liam, how come you are wearing new clothes?" we asked him.

"I had a little accident," he told us.

"What happened?"

Liam explained, "I was splashing in the toilet and I fell in."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Megan Writes a Post (Because She Has BIG News)

this is megan typing. I can tie my shoes now.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Kind Of Competition

I as a graduate of Temple University Medical School, I get all of the alumni e-mails. Temple University (originally Temple Baptist) was the first college in the country to offer night courses as a way to educate the working class and so the mascot is very appropriately an owl. I just learned that the Owl's name is Hooter.

Many of you parents are probably familiar with Flat Stanley, a boy who was smooshed flat and gets mailed around the world.

Well, apparently Temple is doing a little take-off on this called the "Flat Hooter Competition." I kid you not! And my e-mail was dated April 9th, NOT April 1. Trust me I checked.

If anybody could win a "flat hooter" contest, it would definitely be me!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

More Fishes

The kids are learning to swim (about time!).
I love this one - just wish the teacher wasn't in the background.
Chlorine sanitizes wounds, right? (Check out Liam's lip).
The attentive students. The first girl on the left looks like she might be more of a teacher's pet than Megan.
Happy swimmer!
Mac is happy, too. Why? Because this is the first swim class where he doesn't have to get in the water, too.

Friday, April 2, 2010

El Mustachio

No, it wasn't costume day at school. Liam split open the top of his lip falling from the couch to the coffee table. Mac immediately started to panic saying we needed to take him to see a doctor. Ummm, HELLO! There's a frickin' doctor IN THE HOUSE! Oh, sure, I haven't always been the best resource, but any idiot can treat a cut!

After convincing Mac that my boy would only be getting stitches for this micro-cut with a court order, I taped up Liam's lip nicely. This made Liam start howling all over again because he "hates tape" and he "really needed a Scooby-Do band aid." Fine, but what does it take to get a little respect around here, huh? So against medical advice, our little runt went to school like this on Monday:
All of the pre-K chicks swoon for a toddler with a mustache!