Once again, I had to face a shopping disappointment at Fred Meyers. Figuring Rice Krispie treats are the easiest way to get rid of stale marshmellows, I stopped by Fred Meyers to get some Rice Krispies. Actually, what I was really looking for was "crisped rice cereal" - the generic stuff, but the wall of generic breakfast edibles only contained fruit krispies, coacoa krispies and berry krispies, leaving me wondering once again why plain old ordinary stuff is so hard to come by these days. So I grabbed a big box of the name brand stuff and headed out. When I got home I discovered a very pleasant surprise: three free packets of Pop Rocks in the Rice Krispie box - Woohoo! Guess who's having Pop Rocks and Rice Krispie treats for breakfast tomorrow!
Mmm, with a nice hot mug of Jolt Cola!