Monday, April 11, 2005

Sleeping Beauty

Sleep is a wonderful thing. It is amazing how good you feel after spending many hours unconscious. The last two nights Megan has slept almost eight hours straight - from 7:30-3:00 on Sunday and 7:00-2:40 last night. The first night we didn't take advantage, instead staying up late (1 am - that was late even when we weren't parents!) to play games, but last night we capitalized big time. I slept from 9-7 with only one interuption. Oh sweet sleep! (daylight savings was such a blessing: Megan now sleeps till 7 or 7:30 instead of 5 or 5:30. Please no one tell her that daylight savings really should only change things by an hour). We are hoping that Megan becomes a Good Sleeper permanently.

Meanwhile, Megan continues to be a Bad Napper. The only time she naps more than an hour is if we hold her; in her bed she usually does only 30 minutes at a time for a nap, barely enough to get a cup of tea. But I'll trade nap sleep for night sleep any day.

I tried to take a picture of Megan sleeping because I thought she looked like such an angel. By the time I got my camera, she had opened her mouth and was a little more old man than angel. So here's a bonus awake shot:

Sweet dreams!

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