It is amazing how all those little cogs in Megan's head are so desperately trying to figure out language.
Megan's words at 14 months are "hi", "daddy", "kitty", "doggie", and "duck," and she is getting pretty good at "mom" and "teeth (pronounced "tttth" - for some reason Megan really likes teeth).
Megan also has a pretty good sign vocabulary, including "more", "I love you" (adjusted by us to suit her uncoordinated hands), "food", "all done", and her favorite "hat". She tries a few other signs (shoes, socks, get out, milk, thank you), but they are mostly just flailing hand motions at this point - like babbling with her hands.
We didn't start out with the intention to do a lot of signing and we certainly had our good laugh at "Meet the Fochers," but it has seemed to help Megan communicate and watching her sign "more" after you toss her in the air is just so darn cute! The only problem is that now she has started using "more" with no antecedent - I know it means she wants something, but what??
Megan loves games that involve hats- her favorite sign (two taps on the head, or in Megan's case, sometimes a very enthusiastic five or six hard whacks on the head).
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