Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Getting Dressed

Megan is working on getting herself dressed.

As you can see, she still needs a bit more work!

Yesterday, Megan put a plastic food container (clean) on her head and said, "hat," with no parental prompting. In fact, we just wanted to use the container to pick blueberries. The best part was that Megan knew this was funny.


  1. How could you tell she knew it was funny? (I'm not doubting; I'm just curious.)

  2. She got a huge grin while she was doing it, more than just an I am putting a hat on my head kind of smile, the same grin she gets when she pretends to run away from me when I say, "I am going to get you." And she laughed along with me and Mac while wearing the container on her head.
    One other "joke" that Megan likes is to wave a grass seed head under our noses. We always make silly noises when she does this and she laughs. But she now gets excited and giggly while she is coming at you with the stem, before we have even made a silly noise or fake sneeze.
