Thursday, September 14, 2006


When your child is learning to eat with a fork and spoon, don't feed
themher beans, or deal with the mess...Today, I did both!

***Post comment edit***
Today, me did both just doesn't sound right :)


  1. You better watch out on that sentence - the grammar police is out in full force these days!

  2. I carry a badge!
    What's wrong with "Today I did both"?
    As for the "them/her" thing, I'm pretty forgiving of that. The whole "me/I as an object" thing is clear-cut, even for descriptivists. But the issue of gender-neutral pronouns is still in play. Personally, I think "her" is a better choice in this case, but I probably wouldn't have noticed or cared about "them".
    They're all just grammar guidelines, after all...

  3. I was refering to the "your child/them" use - not the last sentence!!

  4. And the grammar police want their badge back - anyone who says "grammar guidelines" is off the force!
