On Sunday night we had one last family dinner with the Smiths to cap off our stay in Southern California.
We had a great trip but it is nice to be home. Megan slept terribly the entire time, which meant we slept terribly much of the time. I don't think Megan has ever slept a whole night in our bed, but during this trip we often found ourselves sharing a bed with this little wiggle worm. Naptime was also a huge struggle and usually required one of us to nap with her. It kind of makes us glad that we won't be travelling much in the next year, as we all got home from our vacation exhausted. Megan showed us she was glad to be home, too. The first night she went to bed in her crib (alone!) without so much as a peep and slept for 13 hours!
And while it was nice to bask in the sun for a week, it just doesn't seem right to have 90 degree days in November. Of course, we weren't really expecting to come home to snow, either.
Mmm, snow is pretty! And I bet it wasn't even that cold. Here we've got no snow and the temp is getting down to the 8-10 degree F range. grumble grumble