Thursday, July 5, 2007

Safety First

Part of my job is to review all of the lab manuals and make sure all of the procedures are up to date. This past week I reviewed the Lab General manual in McMinnville. It's usually pretty boring, but every now and then it is good for a laugh. Here's the McMinnville First Aid policy in case someone gets hurt at work:

"The first rule of first aid is keep calm.
1. Assess the severity of the injury and seek professional help if you think the injury may be serious.
2. Keep calm.
3. ..."

So, then the second rule of first aid is keep calm??

I laughed; and then just signed my name in approval.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you're going to be pedantic about it (and, as a nitpicky editor myself, I think you should), this seems to be a procedure, not a list of rules. So the "first rule" could also be the second step in the procedure. Nonetheless, I would've taken a red pen to it.
