Monday, our dinnertime conversation came around to Thanksgiving. Megan indicated that her preschool curriculum did not include an overview of this event, so I attempted to explain this holiday in terms a two year old would understand: "Megan, Thursday is a special day, where you don't go to preschool and I don't have to go to work. Instead, we stay home and have a special dinner with our family and Auntie Sarah and Cousin Brooke are going to be here, too. And then we say Thank you for all the nice things we have. I am thankful for my nice family, because our family has two great kids and a great Daddy. What nice thing do you have that you want to say thank you for?"
Meg: "My train!"
Me: "And what do we have that is really special to us?" (I thought she might just say Liam)
Meg: "Cariboo!"
Happy Thanksgiving, whatever your blessings may be!
(Side note: I see in the Amazon description of Cariboo that kids get to practice taking turns. As far as I am concerned, the best thing about the game is that Megan is happy taking all of the turns herself and so after setting it up you can pretty much zone out, read a book or watch TV, and she entertains herself for the next ten minutes. I promise I do play the game with her some, but how many times do you think I want to match colors and letters in one day?? Besides Megan has the whole board memorized, so she doesn't even use counting or reading skills anymore to play. So instead of teaching taking turns, think of it as teaching independence.)
So sorry