We had a fun packed week in Lincoln.
Megan played a duet with Daddy, after bobsled practice (just kidding - that's her new sunblock bathing suit that she fell in love with and just had to wear much of the week. Not the most flattering, but we didn't have to worry about sunburn!)
At the zoo we learned why flamingos stand on one leg (if they lifted the other one, they'd fall down).
We went for many strolls.
And visited the Cosmos.
Megan got a graduate level lecture on plants (and listened with rapt attention, although I don't think she had a clue what my dad was talking about. But at least she looked good!)
We hung out in the spa (this time Liam's in the bobsled suit!)
And we enjoyed a night on the town, Lincoln style (we went out for Chinese).
A great week!
I love that picture of the convoy going down the road.