Thursday, July 24, 2008

Construction Update

This week we finally got all the new windows in, but there is still a lot of repairs before the siding goes back up

I have been rather uninspired in the garden this year - our veggie patch is nothing like last year's - but perhaps you can see why when this is what my garden looks like.

The guys doing the project are super hard workers, staying late and coming on the weekends, even on 4th of July, so I think we are still pretty much on schedule, but that still means one more month of all this mess.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pam - LOVE this blog. I ran your theory about the wide windows past my husband. Turns out the new code is to accommodate fire fighters with tanks on their backs. Not sure if this makes you feel better! I certainly feel bad for your hassle and expense at this news.
