Friday, July 3, 2009

Rock Out

We are finally getting to the point where we can envision the new yard.

Our back yard was a claustrophobic runway of grass, with huge overgrown junipers totally obstructing the view, some ugly railroad ties and a rotting deck.

The junipers are gone and a new rock retaining wall is in their place, which probably gives us about 50% more grass area, but it feels 300% bigger with those bushes out. There is also a sunken fire pit in the new wall (if we are lucky we may get to use it this year!). And the new deck is going to be cement and metal rails which should be maintenance free and shelter the lower deck. And the tractors are like babysitters for Liam, very expensive babysitters - he'll stay at the windows just staring.

If it looks this good now (hahaha!), just wait till it is done!


  1. Ugly railroad ties? UGLY? I liked them! (What did you do with the old wood? We'd use it around here for garden borders. I suppose you've long since ditched it though, eh?)

  2. yeah, I wanted to use them for garden stuff too, but mac totally wigged said they were all rotten and chemically treated. he had them burning in the pasture before I even got home from work. you should have seen all the great 2x4's from the old deck that they just took to the dump. Both the environmentalist and the cheapskate in me were crying, but since Mac is neither of those things he sent the wood off without a second thought.
