Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hidden Genius

Liam surprised me this week with a bit more knowledge than I gave him credit for. He can successfully identify the letters A, B, D, O and Y. Still I can't help but recall that at this age Megan knew all her letters, upper and lower case, and all the sounds that went with them, too. Also, she was already playing Memory and Sorry with us. Liam still seems to prefer putting his head in a plastic bag over academic pursuits.


  1. Liam and Brooke should get along great. She knows A, B, C, D, L, S, and R. Recently, she made up the number seleven in place of seven!

  2. There is potential that Liam also knows S and L. I can't really tell as he won't answer when you ask him - he is definitely not the teacher's pet that Megan is.

  3. Liam came up with eleventeen today!
