Anyway, with a new tooth, we figured the best thing to do would be to go out to eat! So we went to a local bakery/eatery where Mac indulged in a SALAD, while the kids had blueberry pancakes (for dinner) with mounds of whip cream. That counts as a nutritious meal, right?
Mac had told me NO CAKE, but I came up with the perfect compromise: a mini cup cake from Bakery D'Amour, which Mac agreed was the perfect size. But even with five of those little suckers, it was a challenge getting 36 candles on there! (they are normally $1 each, but they had a special 5 for $3.95. I was willing to sacrifice and eat another one to save a nickel).
If the food choices didn't clue you in, let me just say Mac is a changed man! He has truly embraced the Get Fit Slowly Lifestyle. He's starting his 36th year lighter than our wedding day and he's taken to running. Not just a little - a lot. He's got his first marathon scheduled for early May! He's got less than 5 pounds to go to get to his goal weight. This is really exciting for me, because it will be skinnier than I have ever seen him. But more importantly, he grew the beard so that he could shave it off, a la Biggest Loser style transformation and I am ready to see the end of that ridiculous thing!
Happy Birthday, Mac! You're looking good, old man!
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