Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Ballet

Who in the world would schedule a kids' event on Saturday night of Memorial Day weekend, essentially removing all hope of getting out of town for the holiday?? Discovery School of Dance, that's who!

But it was hard to be too upset when I saw my gorgeous princess all dressed up for her first ballet recital.
The whole thing seemed a little over the top for a bunch of five year olds, but Megan loved it. I felt like a wanna-be beauty pageant mom, caking make-up and hairspray all over my young innocent little girl. But we were given specific instructions: "Put enough make-up on them so they look like a hooker." Awesome, just what every mom wants - her daughter to look like a prostitute before she can even ride a bike.

We celebrated her five minutes on stage with flowers and ice-cream, which should guarantee that we will be doing the same thing next Memorial Day weekend.
Isn't my little hooker-ballerina beautiful!

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