In the last couple of weeks, I have been having all kinds of weird pregnancy related dreams:
- I actually had twins, but Mac and I argued over the sex of the second one (he thought it was a girl, I thought it was a boy).
- I came home from the hospital with a plastic doll instead of a baby.
- I got a "preview" day, where the baby came out and we got to hold it and check it out, but then it had to go back in.
- We took the baby to the snow and its feet started turning blue. We couldn't get them to warm up because she kept kicking off her booties and blankets to expose her feet.
- The baby came while we were on vacation and we didn't have any stuff and we had to try to borrow everything.
- I went out binge drinking with my high school best friend, not remebering that I was pregnant until the next morning.
Then last night I had this weird monster montage that had nothing to do with babies. Go figure...
The weirdest dream I had was that I got pregnant while I was already pregnant. Thank goodness that can't happen! I can't imagine overlapping pregnanacies! Yikes! I have to say that 40 weeks of pregnancy followed by 32 hours of labor and finally a C-Section was all worth it when I got to hold Henry in my arms. I think it was my second day in the hospital that I told Andrew I wanted another one. (Of course, that could have been the narcotics talking. I won't know until I'm off them I guess.)