Thursday, November 11, 2004

Tough Tittie II

On Monday night we went to a breast feeding class. Mac and I got there a couple of minutes early and the instructor was still in the process of setting out the hand-outs. As she put one down labeled "Prevention of Breast and Nipple Soreness," I made sarcastic comments to Mac about how his mom would love that. The instructor wondered what I was sniggering about and so I summarized my mother-in-law's advice. The instructor assured me that no pre-treatment was necessary, I would be just fine without doing anything ahead of time. Unfortunately, she didn't have the same "no experience necessary" attitude when it came to positioning and holding a baby for feeding. She handed out some plastic dolls complete with gaping mouths and told us to practice. As I demonstrated bringing a baby to my breast using a proper "football hold," Mac couldn't help but point out my discomfort - "You are bright red! Are you embarassed!?" Ok, yes, maybe a little bit (ok a lot), but at least I didn't have to go home and do nipple exercises!


  1. We had that fake boob at our class too, but I didn't realize it had a retractable nipple! The instructor kept holding it up to herself which I also found humorous. The best part about our class was they sent up home with Dr. Sears' Breastfeeding Book - definitely worth the price of admission. I had a hard time practicing with the doll because of this giant basketball in the way.

  2. I went to breastfeeding class with my pregnant sister. No men allowed in this class. Jeremy definitely would have burst out lauging and made several embarrasing comments. As I remember there were lots of whispers and giggles at various props and activities.
    Pam and Courtney, don't worry, you will get lots of practice. By the end of 6 weeks you will be a pro. 10 feedings a day times 42 days. I think you can do the math.
