The last two weeks have passed in a blur. The Olympics served as a time vaccuum, sucking up all my evening time and our weekends seem packed with activities - all to the detriment of the blog. Additionally, Megan has been sick - very sick- pretty much continuously since starting daycare. First a cold, then an ear infection and now the stomach flu. We thought she was getting better today since she was eating again, but this was apparently just a ploy to make her vomit even more projectile. We are looking forward to having a healthy baby again (which may mean no more daycare).
Some days I have to go out to McMinnville for some pathology tests that have to be done on site. A couple of weeks ago I had some time to kill so I headed up to the doctor's lounge to hang out. There was one other doc in there at the time, an old guy who eyed me suspiciously since he didn't recognize my face (McMinnville is a pretty small hospital).
"Hi, Rich G..., cardiology," he said, in an obvious probe for my identity.
"Pam Smith, pathology," I returned. "I am waiting for a procedure."
"Oh," he deadpanned, "I am waiting for heart attacks."
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