Monday, August 28, 2006

Professionals gone! (almost)

Finally, after what seems like forever, the professionals are finished with our kitchen. We had the tile backsplash installed last week, and we're really happy with it. We originally planned on having a 6.5" backsplash made of the same material as the counter top. But the tile idea covers up all the wall blemishes (and there were plenty of them) and really gives the kitchen a finished look. We're very happy we changed our minds about having tile in there.

While we were at it, we also had the entry hall re-tiled to match the design in the kitchen. It too looks great and the only thing that we have to do now is have the closet doors cut and the new weather stripping put on the front door.

The final thing that a professional is going to do is to come back and fix those dreaded trash can cupboard doors that have been giving the morons at a certain home improvement store a bad time. If you ever remodel your kitchen, pay the extra money to avoid the big box stores. Our kitchen looks awesome, but the headaches aren't really worth the money you save.

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