Pam and I have been struggling with Meg's hair for about 6 months now. We definitely didn't start using rubber bands, barets, or "hairclips" as Megan says, early enough and now we're paying dearly for it. We finally decided that we had to do something to fix the problem. I scoured the yellow pages looking for a children's hair salon in Salem. With a name like Societie's Child, I thought I found the perfect one--boy was I wrong. We walked in there and I was the youngest client by about 50 years! The stylist told me that people get the wrong impression from the name of their establishment all the time. I felt like a total moron, not only because we were definitely in the wrong type of place, but because I talked to two different ladies on the phone and mentioned the appointment was for my 19 month-old daughter and really got the impression that it was a children's salon. Oh well...back to the problem at hand. Megan was very stoic during her "styling." Either that or she was terrified. She didn't move a muscle and wouldn't take her eyes off of me. Every time the stylist wanted Megan to move her head, she told me where to stand, and Megan would follow.
Our solution to Megan's bad hair...bangs. Neither Pam, or myself like her new hair, but it is a little easier to get into a "hairclip."
Before we walked out of the store, Megan was presented with a first hair cut certificate that officially graduates her from babydom. It made the parents sad as we definitely like Megan being a baby.
In other news, in addition to the pocket discovery mentioned on an earlier post, Megan also has discovered that she's a total girl! I've never met a more girly girl in my life. She loves her stuffed animals (especially "medium bungly pig) and asks for her "blaaaanket" all the time now. She sometimes wants it tied around her neck so she can have her hands free for doing things--like her nails. She totally reminds me of Alex P. Keaton here.
I especially love the men's underwear on the floor....looks like my house! We can't wait to get down there again and see all Megan's "tricks."