In typical Smith fashion, things were pretty low key for Megan's birthday. Grammy, Grandpa, Auntie Sarah and Cousin Brooke came for the weekend. And on Sunday, we had the requisite cake and ice cream (and pizza!) with two of Megan's friends and their families. And we couldn't let the day go by without singing,"Go Megan, go Megan! It's your birthday!" while we danced like idiots together. (We also did the much more tame "Happy Birthday" song as well).
Introvert Megan works on her party box long after the other girls go off to play. |
Megan's cake of choice: rainbow cake with chocolate frosting (and an Ariel figurine) |
Jordan, Megan, and Kate |
And if being the mother of a three year-old wasn't enough to make me feel old, this is also the day I hit the ONE-THIRD of a century point in my own life - yikes!
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