Saturday, January 5, 2008

Snow Day

Somehow Megan got it in her head that it was going to snow on Christmas. Quite honestly, snowy weather was about the most plausible thing in all the Christmas books we had been reading. These books imply strangers will be entering your house through the chimney, reindeer are going to take off in flight (one with a glowing nose), and snowmen are going to dance around because of a magic hat. So how could we get her to believe that snow filled Chrimtmas mornings are just a figment of one's imagination?

But then, it DID snow on Christmas. And by Wednesday morning, we had a thin covering of snow - enough to stomp around in and to make one very dirty snowman. Here are the cousins with a white backdrop.

Snow day 12/26/07 vs. snow day 1/17/07

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