Monday, February 26, 2007

Look Ma! No Tubes!

No, I'm not talking about fallopian tubes! Last night at 11:00, after 3 full feedings in a row, the nurse pulled Liam's feeding tube, and according to his chart, "the patient tolerated it well!" He also gained 12 grams yesterday or 2.5 nickels for those numismatists out there. I'm hoping this means he'll get to come home in the next few days, but nobody at the hospital is saying that yet.

He also is starting to get the hang of breastfeeding. Mom and Liam spent some quality time this afternoon. She's starting to feel better, but is still pretty tired. Here she is relaxing with her boy!

1 comment:

  1. Pam,
    You look great! Little Liam is adorable. Congrats on his milestone. He is one step closer to the front door, and will be home keeping you up at night before you know it :)
