Monday, February 19, 2007

Welcome Liam!

Well, he decided he didn't want to be on the inside anymore. Last night at 10:22 PM, Liam Mackenzie Smith entered the world. He is 19 inches long and weighs 5 lbs 12 oz. Considering he arrived 5 weeks to early, he is doing very well--no tubes or ventilators, just monitors. He's eating well and seems to be adjusting well. Mom had another unconventional birth, but she is doing very well and is happy that Liam is doing as well as can be. Megan is a little dumbfounded, but she already loves her little brother. Here are some pictures and there will be more to see later.


  1. AWESOME! Congrats, guys. I love the name. I guess maybe we should plan on Great Wall in *April* instead, eh? :)

  2. Congratulations, Pam & Mac! Good work, and good luck with the newest addition...

  3. Beautiful baby. Congratulations and thanks for sharing the pics so quickly. Love, Bruce and Carol.

  4. Love to all. He is so handsome. And Congratulations Mac&Pam, such a beautiful family.

  5. Welcome Liam and congratulations to mom, dad, and big sister! I love the name!

  6. Congrats to you all! He is adorable.Good work! Take care, and best wishes.

  7. Love and congratulations! We hope that these early days are filled with much joy and rest for all four of you! We're thinking of you lots and lots here in SoDak!
