Sunday, September 11, 2005


Yesterday, I was certain our reliable alarm clock had woken up way too early. The house was still pretty dark, but Megan was most definitely awake. A quick glance at the clock revealed that I was the one who was off. It was 7:03; Megan was still more faithful than Old Faithful itself. (Old Faithful eruption times vary between 45 and 90 minutes apart; Megan almost always awakens +/- 10 minutes of 7 o'clock).

A look out the window was all that was necessary to explain my confusion: our house was entombed in fog. (Of course, that didn't really explain why I was still tired like it was 5am...). We couldn't even see to the edge of our property.

No, my photography isn't that bad - we really couldn't see anything!

Today was a different story. There was still lots of dense fog only this time we were above it, our house basking in the morning sun. The fog blanketed the valley and only the distant mountains (which looked remarkably close over the fog) peeked above it.

Also, we've got one more thing peeking out in this house: Megan's first tooth! Ok, "tooth" is stretching it a bit as it has just barely broken the surface, but it is definitely coming along.

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