Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"Softy the Snowman"

Like many others, we, too went out for a romp in the snow today. Look how excited Megan is for her first snow experience:

And what would a day in the snow be without a snowman? Now, you all have heard of Frosty the Snowman, as has Megan, but apparently not enough to make a well formed connection in those plastic little neurons of hers. When we were done she proclaimed, "It's Softy the snowman." Try as we might, she never did give up on calling him Softy. Given the state of our slushy snow, maybe she had the right idea!

As you can see, Megan warmed up to the whole snow idea. In fact, I pretty much had to drag her back into the house after we spent what seemed like forever throwing snowballs into the pond ("I made a plash! ... More snowballs, Mommy!"). The Christmas lights behind Softy came down later in the day - better late than never!

Also today: Mac and I started dating 15 years ago! That sounds like such a long time and yet it has seemed to go by so fast. Happy Anniversary, M!

I hit 30 weeks gestation, the point I would consider the true half-way point of pregnancy. And right on cue, I desperately want it to be over. Though this has been a very problem free and easy pregnancy, I still don't find pregnancy to be an enjoyable state: only sleeping on my side, the constant stuffy nose, the freakishly large belly, the pelvic symphysis pain, and a constantly hiccupping fetus who is in direct competition with my bladder and liver - sorry not my idea of fun! On the bright side, I am finally warm. Ten weeks (or fewer) and counting.

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