Wednesday, April 22, 2009


In the last month a lot of strange things have been happening around our house. You might be inclined to think it is because we live in an old house, but only the new stuff is affected.

First, a picture fell off of a shelf and the frame broke. That photo has been sitting there for two years without issue.

A couple weeks later our curtain rod fell off the wall.

And then this week our bathroom mirror fell off the wall.

We figured the frame we could blame on Liam. He started sleeping in his "big boy bed" about a month ago and it is on the other side of that wall. He certainly does a lot of kicking and banging when he goes to sleep, so we figured a violent kick dislodged the photo.

Our curtain rod we attributed to Megan. She likes to opes and close the curtains herself and maybe hangs on them a bit too much.

But the mirror fell off the wall when we weren't even home. It's paranormal, I tell you! Maybe the ghosts don't like our style of decorating!


  1. The paranormal experts say that old ghosts don't like new stuff...especially renovations! Apparently, that's usually when the crazy stuff starts happening. But you guys started those a long time ago, so I have no explanation for you.

  2. Ok, when I wrote this it was just a joke. But Sunday morning, the kids and I were lying in our bed and the ceiling fan just came on. NOBODY was touching it at all; remotes were in the drawer. Then this morning Mac's lampshade from his bedside lamp was lying on the floor. WTF??

  3. So when Dave and I have some down time, which isn't often, we watch Ghosthunters and Paranormal State. So I have become well versed on how to cleanse a house. I will put my new found obsession into play when we arrive in June!!!
