Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Lucky to be Alive

Some days you just have to feel lucky to be alive. For me, today is a prime example. Just look at the e-mail I got at work:

Yesterday while making a Building Safety Inspection I came across a hazardous condition that I feel it is important to warn you about. A recycle container for used batteries also contained waste aerosol cans. This can be potentially dangerous to the point of causing an explosion. Even recycle batteries can still carry a charge. The waste aerosol cans are metallic and can cause the battery to short circuit. This will heat up the metallic can causing the residual pressure to expand. These cans have been known to have serious explosions under this type condition. Please make sure that batteries are kept in a separate container. The health and safety of our patients and staff depend on our vigilance.

Thank you

No, No, Thank you, Greg Glowe, Diligent Safety Inspector. You certainly saved our workplace from complete and total annihilation. The ground could have opened up and swallowed the hospital whole if we had continued to let dead batteries mingle with empty aerosol cans. I plan to nominate you for employee of the month.

And now knowing that the hospital's discarded waste was plotting my destruction yesterday, I am, indeed, lucky to be alive.

P.S. - I am also lucky to finally have some free time at work again so that I can screw around and write cynical blog entries.

P.P.S - How much do you want to bet that Mr. Glowe has never used his cell phone at a gas station?

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