Wednesday, February 28, 2007


It's official. Finally. No more hospital trips. No more sleeping away from each other. No more crappy food from crappy eateries. No more lack of exercise (I can't believe exercise is finally a priority in my life). Pam and I were finally able to bring Liam home from the hospital today, after 10 days in the NICU. The literature at the hospital told us that the expected NICU stay for a 34 and 5/7 week preemie was 7-10 days. Phew! Liam just squeaked by. Megan also has a propensity for procrastination. She reluctantly met each of her developmental milestones (except vocabulary) at the very end of the normal range for that particular feat. Needless to say, Pam--the competitive one in the family who views everything as a race--was very happy that her boy made it home within the "normal" time allotment. Here's a picture of us leaving the NICU behind

What's the first thing we did when we got home? We took our fragile young babe and his sick sister outside on the front porch in the freezing cold of February for a family photo. Here is the family Smith, version 4.0

Megan is slowly adjusting to Liam being around. So far, she seems to be doing a lot of staring at him--not quite sure what to think and possibly wondering if he's here for good. And she really wants to be held by her mommy--moreso than ever before. But she did share her green blanket with him, so that's a good sign I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Home Liam!
    Such great news! Thanks for sharing all the pictures, and updates. You have such a beautiful family!
