Saturday, April 12, 2008

Accidents happen

This week Megan had a little "accident." She told us she needed to use the potty and then headed off to the bathroom. A few minutes later a blood curdling squeal echoed down the halls, waking Liam from his nap.

In her zealous haste, it seems that Megan forgot to account for the closed lid - a necessity around here now that Liam thinks toilets are for splashing in. In a variation of the Saran wrap on the seat gig, urine flowed over the lid, all over Megan's pants and socks and onto the floor, to Megan's absolute horror.

We calmed her sobs while over her head we agreed this was the most amusing reason for wiping pee off the floor, and then gently reminded Megan that she needs to lift the seat before she goes.

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