Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Monday night, I finally got out my ballot (hurray for Oregon's vote by mail system!) and started filling it out. Megan came into the kitchen a bit later,"Mommy, are you voting?" Indeed, I was. "Can I vote, too?"

"Sure," I said. "Come sit by me."
"How do you vote?"

I got out the voter's pamphlet. On the inside there are some sample arrows that show you how to vote. Megan had them all filled in in a few seconds. "Now what?"

We turned the page. "See all these pictures?" I explained,"These are the people you can vote for. You can look at them and then circle the one you like."

Megan looked down. "TTT-ooo-mmm - Tom. Ssss-tttt-aaaa - Sta"
"That's Stu, honey," I corrected.
"I like Tom the best" she stated, as she circled his grinning mug.

And so we went through the book together, with me helping her read the names and her picking her favorites (I had already finished my voting in case you were worried that I might be biased by Megan's choices - haha!) She voted for Deb because I have a friend named Debbie, and she voted for the guys with the last name Smith (for obvious reasons). Finally, we got down to our last "vote"; Sam vs. Gerry.

"I want Sam because I like Green Eggs and Ham." ("I am Sam. I am Sam. Sam I am"). It seemed like better voting logic that some people use!

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