Monday, January 26, 2009

Megan's Birthday Party

Sunday, Megan had a few friends over for her birthday party.

I was a little bold and decided to let the girls paint birdhouses for the activity, but I had the foresight to give all the kid old T-shirts, so it didn't turn out too messy.

After that it was cake and ice cream, open presents and then some "free play." Despite the lack of originality, it all went really well and the girls had a good time.

Megan was VERY specific about the cake: pink cake with yellow frosting and purple flowers on top. Megan had all kinds of complaints while I was making it: the yellow should be brighter, she should get to write her name, the purple flower doesn't have a stem (so it got green swirly things and everyone was ok with that). But in the end, it passed muster, especially since we had pink ice cream to match the cake!

Megan's really taking her older age to heart. Today she tried to give Liam a time-out three different times. This included one yelling match with Megan screaming "Liam, say sorry! You have to say sorry or you get a time-out." and Liam just yelling and crying back at her. I am sure Liam is so excited to have an extra parent in the house! I can't wait to see what happens when Megan turns five!

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