Friday, June 15, 2007

New Chicks on the Block

A friend of a friend had been warned about the high mortality rate in chicks, and so she purchased a few extras to make sure she ended up with the number she wanted. When they all survived, she had twice that number. So our mutual friend let her know about the luxurious Smith chicken accommodations, and before we knew it, she was at our house, dropping off three new residents. And so we add Grace (after the lady who brought them), Blackie, and Tess to our flock. The new chickens are about a week older than ours and consist of two barred rocks (black and white speckles) and one Rhode Island Red (like Rusty). Instead of melding smoothly with Rusty, John Jacob, Bunny, and Cartoons, the two groups mostly maintain separate cliques. Here are the seven chickens, somewhat together, but not totally.

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