Monday, June 18, 2007

Ode to My Dad

If you have a Dad, you probably remember some silly goof-ball thing he did (does) when you were growing up. Around here we call them 'Dad jokes.'

The one I so vividly remember from my Dad would go like this:

We'd be having some kind of trouble getting dressed and so we'd take the item of clothing to my Dad and ask "Can you put this on?" at which point he would make a complete farce of trying to fit himself into litte girl sized clothes or shoes before coming to the conclusion punch line (delivered with supreme melodrama):"No! I can't put this on! It doesn't fit!"

In the youngest years this got great laughs, in our older years there were lots of eye rolls. And now this Dad joke was reincarnated at our house yesterday when Megan asked me to put on her pink princess dress. I put it on my head like a tulle tiara and delivered the punchline. Fortunately, Megan is still young enough to be amused. She patiently explained to me (with both hands on her chest for emphasis), " No, you put the dress on ME!" And I just rolled my eyes that I had been so corny.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! This is one of my most vivid memories of Dad. That and how he would always change the endings of the books he read to us.
