Sunday, June 12, 2005


Today is our sixth wedding anniversary. It's been a great half dozen years!
Kendall and Roger are now college graduates! Congratulations to both!
It's Aunt Jan's birthday! have a good one, Jan!
My transformation to a singly-focused doting mother is now complete: yesterday we went to a wedding; I only took pictures of Megan.

Megan and I feel much better. Mac was achy all day yesterday with a bad headache. He was a bit nauseated for a good part of the day but has so far managed to escape vomiting.
Mr. "Magoo" called yesterday; he just wanted to offer us a bed, two dressers, two folding tables with chairs and a rototiller. It's hard to say no to free stuff!


  1. Great photos of sweet Meagan and all of you. Thank you for sharing your blog address. I will show your Grandpa Ray and Grandma Marjorie when they stop over next. It meant so much to your grandpa to see his little great-grandaughter (first one!) and to my mom and me. Do you have any photos of Grandpa nd Meagan? I would love to see on your web site. Love, Aunt Carolynn

  2. Hope Mac is feeling better today. Thanks for the picture of the three of you, congratulations on your anniversary. Six years already! WOW! And how nice of you to give us a picture of Kate. I spoke to her last night just after she came home and she was a little wozzy from the anesthetic (they gave her a general) but has lots of friends around her to help. I had intended to go up there and stay a few days to help her but with Papa's birthday on Sunday it's not going to be possible. Anyway, with all she's told me I think I'd be in the way. By the way, Pam is having a hysterectomy next Tuesday, June 21. Keep her in your prayers and thoughts. Love to you all, Nonnie

  3. PS Who is "Mr. Magoo"? Nonnie

  4. "Mr. and Mrs. Magoo" are the owners of the house we just bought. I changed their last name (just a bit) for their privacy, since I don't know how they'd feel about being on this blog.

  5. Congratulations you guys! Here's to six more years (at least)!
