Thursday, April 24, 2008

Liam's Progress

At his one year birthday, Liam seemed way behind. But by the time his 'adjusted age" birthday came along five weeks later he was doing everything he was supposed to: he could point, he could talk, and best yet, he could chew!

Our little guy with the lazy jaw couldn't suck at birth, never had enough strength to breastfeed, and gagged himself for months on solid food, but by golly, he's starting to get a hang of this eating thing! Now to get him out of the 10th percentile for weight! (we're not doing so well on that front; he gained only a half a pound in the last two months!).

And while it is nice to put food on his tray and not have to feed him; his verbal explosion is probably more fun to watch. Liam's vocab now includes: cat, kittie, Daaaa (dad), Mum (mom), burd (bird), bu-ba (bye-bye) which is very close to both ba-ba (bottle) and bub-a (bubbles). Plus he signs more ("muh"), food ("fff"), and milk ("wik"), while attempting to say the words. And he will repeat just about anything you say.

Liam's motor skills are coming along, too. He not only flies up the stairs, but he is pretty good at going down once he gets turned around. Megan would have tried to nose dive down the entire flight when she was this age. Also Liam can open doors, which is about a year before Megan did. It is not so much that Megan couldn't, it was just a different attitude. Megan was more like,"ah, the cupboards and drawers are closed, I should probably just let them be." Whereas I can see Liam thinking,"Oooh, if the cupboards and drawers are closed, there MUST be something really good in there, so I should go open them right away."

We're still waiting for him to walk (Megan: 14 months, 3 days). We're taking over/under bets on June 10th (adjusted age: 14.5 months). Once he's got that down, we can probably give up on this adjusted age crap once and for all.


  1. Yay! Glad to see the site back..

  2. Ditto. I've missed you guys!

  3. You forgot to include that (adjusted-age-wise) he's as cute as a 6000-year-old. (Hmm, that doesn't really work. I meant that he's really cute.)
