Monday, September 7, 2009

To The Tall Corn State!

One of our main vacations this year was to Iowa. Yes, Iowa. My best friend from high school was getting married and we had a couple of other good friends there to visit, so it became a weeklong mid-west adventure.

Our adventure started with a 4:15am arousal to catch our early morning flight. We had an uneventful trip to Des Moines and then a 2 hour drive to Iowa city. Mac and I were struck by the buccolic beauty of the rolling hills, but we were blown away by the I-80 rest stop! It had commissioned art, wi-fi, free maps, a nature trail, and bathrooms so clean you might contemplate sitting directly on the seat! Oregon doesn't even have real mirrors. We made it to Aimee and Joel's just in time for dinner.

Tuesday it was off to downtown Iowa City, a charming little University town. We had lunch in the plaza and the kids enjoyed the park. Megan and Adelaide hit it off, and Adelaide even showed Megan a few new tricks.

Liam was sometimes the third wheel, but at least he had new baby to play with.

Tuesday night, we had dinner with Mac's college friend Rusty, his wife Frieda and their son Oscar. We were back early enough to get in some gaming, just like the good old days.

Wednesday, we had a quiet day around the house, but fortunately we got outside to paint the flowers with driveway paint before the rain hit. (photo from Aimee)

No problem, though, plenty of good stuff to do inside, too. Like read books with a guy who makes lots of funny voices!

Thursday our hosts had to work. This was another day of pouring rain, so we were off to the Children's Museum and the carousel.

By Friday, Liam had almost gotten Adelaide's name right (Adelady, but better than Emily, which is where he started), but we had other places in Iowa to see and the Mirons were headed to Minnesota.

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