Saturday, October 23, 2004

Tough Tittie

For the last five days Mac's mom, dad, aunt and uncle have been staying with us. Thursday night while the guys headed off to the coast to fish, the girls stayed up talking. Mac's mom and aunt were full of excitement, anticipation, and advice for the upcoming baby. Mostly it was a lot of fun hearing stories about Mac and other family members when they were babies, but on one piece of advice they were adament:

"If you are going to breastfeed, you need to toughen up your nipples starting now."

"WHAT?!?!" I instinctively hunched my shoulders and crossed my arms in a protective fashion.

"Oh, yeah, you need to toughen them up," they chorused. They then proceded to tell me all sorts of breastfeeding horror stories.

I could only bring to mind a cartoon my mom had on the refridgerator when I was growing up:

1. Open your biggest book, then slam it shut on your breast.
2. Chill your iron, then flatten your breasts with it.
3. Close the waffle iron on your breast.
4. Place your breast on the driveway and ask a friend to back the car over it.

I couldn't come up with anything more logical than these ideas. "What am I supposed to do, use sandpaper or have Mac bite them, because I am not doing either!"

They laughed at my stupidity. "No, silly, with a washcloth in the shower."

Ok, maybe that didn't sound as bad as what I had in mind, but somehow it didn't quite make my 'To Do' list for today either.

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